John Thor Arnason, PhD
Professor of Biology
Biographical Sketch
John Arnason is Professor of Biology at the University of Ottawa
and Associate Director of the Biopharmaceutical Sciences program. Arnason's interest
in biologically active plants and their metabolites began with PDF projects on the
ethnopharmacology of the Maya medicinal plants in Central America and biologically
active natural products with Neil Towers at UBC in Vancouver. His laboratory was
established at the University of Ottawa in 1980 and over 50 graduate students have
completed theses in phytochemistry related fields since then. He has collaborated
widely with Costa Rican, Mexican, W. African and Indonesian colleagues on discovery
projects from tropical forests. Arnason has been active in the establishment of
Natural Health Products field in Canada and has studied many North American species
of interest to the herbal and nutraceutical industry. His group has been collaborating
as the phytochemical laboratory with the CIHR Team in Aboriginal Antidiabetic Medicines
led by Pierre Haddad. They have also collaborated extensively
with the Vuksan laboratory at the University of Toronto on antidiabetic effects of
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Research Interests
Knowledge of biologically active medicinal plant species in world
floras is perhaps greatest among traditional healers. We are collaborating with groups
of healers in various locations to better record and understand their pharmacopoeias,
the biological activity of their plants and the cultural context of their traditional
medicine. The use of antidiabetic, antimalarial anxiolytic and antiinflammatory plants
is a focus of this research.
Legislation enacted in 2004 allows therapeutic use of botanical
medicines in Canada yet our native medicinal flora remains largely unstudied. We are
studying some native species of medicinal plants in detail for the first time to
characterize their mode of action, to improve quality assurance, safety and efficacy
as well as evaluate the potential of each species to produce harmful drug interactions.
Our group is investigating in house new botanical drugs to treat preventable
complications in diabetes, such as neuropathy, protein glycation and vascular
degeneration. The newly constructed phytochemical facility at the University of Ottawa
is used to identify and quantify active principles in the plants and in animal models
using HPLC DAD/ELSD and HPLC/MS Qtrap. The facility allows study of variation in the
phytochemical profiles of native germplasm, to develop cleaner and solvent free
extracts through supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and to isolate specific
groups of compounds for bioassay evaluation. In collaboration with the Haddad and
Bennett labs, which have the advanced antidiabetic and neuroprotection assays, we
isolate active principles by preparative HPLC and identify them by spectroscopic