Invited Reviews and Book Chapters
- R.P. Robertson, J. Harmon, Y. Tanaka, G. Sacchi, P.O.T.
Tran, C. Gleason, V. Poitout. Glucose toxicity
of the pancreatic beta-cell. In Molecular basis of Pancreas
Development and Function. Habener J.F. and Hussain M. eds.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 47-66.
- V. Poitout, Y. Tanaka, G. Reach, R.P.
Robertson. Stress oxydatif, insulinosécrétion,
et insulinorésistance. In Journées de Diabétologie
Hôtel-Dieu, Médecine-Sciences Flammarion, 2001
pp. 75-86.
- V. Poitout, R.P. Robertson. Secondary
?-cell failure in type 2 diabetes: a convergence of glucotoxicity
and lipotoxicity. Endocrinology 2002 143:339-342.
- V. Poitout. Lipid partitioning in the
pancreatic ?-cell: physiologic and pathophysiologic implications.
Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes 2002, 9: 152-159.
- V. Poitout. The ins and outs of fatty
acids on the pancreatic beta-cell. Trends Endocrinol Metab
2003, 14:201-203.
- R.P. Robertson, J. Harmon, P.O. Tran, V. Poitout:
beta-Cell Glucose Toxicity, Lipotoxicity, and Chronic Oxidative
Stress in Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes 2004, 53 Suppl 1:S119-124.
- V. Poitout, I. Briaud, C.L. Kelpe, D.K.
Hagman. Glucolipotoxicity of the pancreatic beta-cell. Annales
d’Endocrinologie 2004, 65:37-41.
- V. Poitout, R. Stein, C.J. Rhodes. Insulin
gene expression and biosynthesis. In: International Textbook
of Diabetes Mellitus, Third Edition. DeFronzo R.A., Ferraninni
E., Keen H., and Zimmet P. eds. John Wiley and sons, 2004,
- V. Poitout. News and Views Editorial:
Beta-cell lipotoxicity: burning fat into heat? Endocrinology
2004, 145:3563-3565.
- V. Poitout, D. Hagman, R. Stein, I.
Artner. R.P. Robertson, J.S. Harmon. Regulation of the insulin
gene by glucose and fatty acids. J Nutr 2006, 136:873-876.
- V. Poitout. Prix Apollinaire Bouchardat
2006 : Acides gras et fonction de la cellule b�ta-pancr�atique.
In Journ�es de Diab�tologie H�tel-Dieu, M�decine-Sciences
Flammarion, 2006 In press.