> > Current Grant Support |
Operating Research Grants (current funding only)
Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation: "A function-driven, large-scale
approach to the search for type 1 diabetes susceptibility genes" |
Term: |
Amount: |
11/2001 to 07/2007 |
$405,750. yearly |
Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation: "Functional Evaluation
of IDDM Loci" |
Term: |
Amount: |
11/2006 to 10/2009 |
$159,912.70 |
Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation: "A novel gene necessary
for the development of the Endocrine Pancreas" |
Term: |
Amount: |
09/2007-08/2009 |
$271,368 X 2 years |
National Institute
of Health (NIH) (USA): "TrialNet Affiliate"
George Washington University |
Term: |
Amount: |
07-2007 - 06/2008 |
$151,508./year |
Genome Canada
(Genomics and Proteomics in Human Health RFA): "Genetics
of type 2 diabetes" (PI Barry I. Posner) |
Term: |
Amount: |
2004-2007 |
$16M (174,000/y to my lab + I am one of three
individuals to manage the $4M genotyping budget. |
Genome Canada
/Genome Quebec: "Gene Regulators in Disease"
(GRID)(PI T.J. Hudson) |
Term: |
Amount: |
01/2006 - 01/2010 |
10.79M $432,102/4 yrs. In my lab |