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E-Mail / Telephone / FAX
Marc Prentki

University of Montreal
CHUM-HND Research Centre
1560 Sherbrooke St. E.
Pav. de Seve
Montreal, QC H2L 4M1
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-890-8000 ext. 26811
FAX: +1-514-412-7858
John Thor Arnason University of Ottawa 30 Marie Curie,
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
[email protected]
Tel: +1-613-562-5262
FAX: +1-613-562-5765
Jean-Louis Chiasson University of Montreal CHUM-Hopital Hotel-Dieu,
Director Endocrinology Lab
3850 St Urbain St.
Montreal, QC H2W 1T8
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-843-2732
FAX: +1-514-843-2709
Pierre Selim Haddad University of Montreal Department of Pharmacology and
Membrane Transport Research Group
P.O. Box 6128, Downtown Station
Montreal, QC H3C 3J7
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-343-6590
FAX: +1-514-343-2291
Pavel Hamet
University of Montreal
CHUM-Hôpital Hotel- Dieu
Pavillon Masson
3855 St Urbain St.
Montreal, QC H2W 1T7
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-890-8044
FAX: +1-514-412-7186
Thomas J. Hudson McGill University
740 Docteur-Penfield Avenue, Suite 7105,
Montreal, QC H3A 1A4
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-398-3311 Ext 00385
FAX: +1-514-398-2622
Jun-Li Liu McGill University
Fraser Laboratories, Room M3-15,
Royal Victoria Hospital, 687 Pine Avenue West,
Montreal, QC H3A 1A1
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-934-1934 Ext 35059
FAX: +1-514-843-2819
Andre Marette Laval University
CRML, office RC 9502,
Laval University Medical Research Center
Ste-Foy, QC G1V 4G2
[email protected]
Tel: +1-418-656-4141 Ext. 47549
FAX: +1-418-654-2176
Dusica Maysinger
McGill University
McIntyre Medical Science Building, Rm. 1314
3655 Promenade Sir William Osler
Montreal, QC H3G 1Y6
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-398-1264
FAX: +1-514-398-6690
Steven Paraskevas

McGill University
MUHC-Royal Victoria Hospital, S10.30
Montreal, QC H3A 1A1
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-934-1934 ext 36522
FAX: +1-514-843-1434
Vincent Poitout

University of Montreal
CHUM-HND Research Centre
1560 Sherbrooke St. E.
4th floor
Pav. de Seve
Montreal, QC H2L 4M1
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-890-8000 Ext. 23796
FAX: +1-514-412-7858
Constantin Polychronakos McGill University Endocrinology Dept.
Montreal Children's Hospital
2300 Tupper
Montreal, QC H3H 1P3
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-934-4315
FAX: +1-514-934-4364
Barry Posner McGill University McGill Univ., Strathcona Anatomy and Dentistry Bldg.3640 University St., Suite W315
Montreal, QC H3A 2B2
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-398-4101
Alexey Pshezhetzky University of Montreal

Service de genetique medical
Hopital St. Justine 3175, Cote Ste-Catherine
Montreal, QC H3G 1A4

[email protected]
Tel: +1-514- 937-6011ext. 4522
       +1-514-345-4931 ext. 2736
FAX: +1-514-345-4801
Remi Rabasa-Lhoret University of Montreal CR-CHUM, Hôtel-Dieu, Pavillon Masson
3850 Rue Saint-Urbain,
Montreal, QC H2W 1T8
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-890-8000 ext 15085
FAX: +1-514-412-7204
Geneviève Renier University of Montreal CHUM-HND Research Centre
1560 Sherbrooke St. E.
Pav. de Seve
Montreal, QC H2L 4M1
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-890-8000 ext 26895
FAX: +1-514-412-7661
Lawrence Rosenberg

McGill University

McGill University Health Center
Montreal General Hospital
1650 Cedar Ave., Suite C9-128
Montreal, QC H3G 1A4
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-934-1934
ext. 42945 or 43050
FAX: +1-514-934-8438
Robert Sladek McGill University 740 Doctor Penfield Ave.
Montreal, QC H3A 1A4
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-398-3311 ext 00311
FAX: +1-514-398-1790
Simon Sipen Wing McGill University Strathcona Anatomy Building, Room W315
McGill University
3640 University St.
Montreal, QC H3A 2B2
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-398-4101
FAX: +1-514-398-3923
Jiangping Wu University of Montreal CR-CHUM Hop. Notre-Dame & Nephrology Service, Room Y-5616
1560 Sherbrooke Street East
Montreal, QC H2L 4M1
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-890-8000 ext. 25164
FAX: +1-514-412-7595
Jean-François Yale McGill University
687 Pine Avenue West, room H685,
Montreal, QC H3A 1A1
[email protected]
Tel: +1-514-843-1665
FAX: +1-514-843-1706

� Montreal Diabetes Research Center 2008
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