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 Home / About Us > Dr. Andr� Marette > Current Grant Support
Current Grant Support

Scholarships and Salary Awards
Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)
The role of iNOS in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance
$ 842,500.00 (100%)
07/2001-06/2006 Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)
The role of iNOS in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance
$ 350 000.00 (100%) (Investigator Award)
Research and Equipment Grants
10/2005-09/2010 Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)
The role of mTOR in insulin resistance
$ 734 000.00 (100%)
04/2001-03/2006 Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)
The role of iNOS in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance
$ 750 000.00 (100%)
07/2005-06/2008 Canadian Diabetes Association
Role of AMPK and p38 MAPK pathways in exercise-induced glucose transport in skeletal muscle: potential targets for the treatment of muscle insulin resistance and diabetes
$ 225 000.00 (100%)
10/2003-9/2006 Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)
Assesment of insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant subjects fed fish proteins
$ 265 000.00, (40%) (H. Jacques, A. Marette and J. Weisnagel)
10/2003-9/2006 Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)
Intramyocellular lipids and insulin resistance in obesity and diabetes
$ 348 000.00, (30%) (D. Joanisse (PI), A. Marette, A. Tremblay and J. Weisnagel)
10/2003-9/2008 Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)
Training Program in Obesity/Healthy Body Weight
$ 1 470 000.00, (15%)(D. Richard (PI), A. Marette (co-PI), 6 other co-PIs)
07/2004-06/2009 Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
Montreal Diabetes Research Center : from biology to innovative therapies
Program : Innovative Funds
$ 5 799 164.00, (10%) (M. Prentki, PI, A. Marette,co- PI, and 8 other co-PIs from UDM, McGill and UoOttawa).
07/2005-06/2010 Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
Montreal Diabetes Research Centre: Linking Basic Science and Clinical Research for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment
Program : Research Hospital Funds
$ 12 000 000.00, (10%) (M. Prentki PI, A. Marette, co- PI, and 8 other co-PIs, and 8 other co-PIs from UDM, McGill and UoOttawa).

Industry Grants

2005-2006 Innodia inc.
Mechanisms of action of ID 1101 and ID1135 on obesity and insulin resistance in vivo and in vitro
$ 974 000.00 (100%)
2005-2008 Merck Frosst
Fellowship Program grant on Incretins and β-cells
$90 000.00 (100%)

� Montreal Diabetes Research Center 2008
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