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 Home / About Us > Dr Marc Prentki

Scientific Highlights
The research of Dr. Prentki's laboratory has greatly increased our understanding of the mechanism of glucose regulated insulin secretion. He also introduced the concept of �-cell glucolipotoxicity which has important implication for the development of both Type 1 and 2 diabetes and the survival of �-cells following islet transplantation into diabetic patients.

Research Team
Dr. Prentki has trained many research students and technicians: 6 undergraduate students, 8 M.S.c students, 5 Ph.D. students, 8 research technicians, and 7 Postdoctoral fellows. His students are now working in research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies around the world (Canada, USA, France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland).

Postdoc. M.Sc. Ph.D. Tech Other
7 8 5 8 6


Dr. Marc Prentki

Dr. Marc Prentki was trained in Biochemistry at the University of Geneva in Switzerland where he obtained his M.Sc. in 1976 and Ph.D. in 1980. His Ph.D. thesis was in the field of the cytoskeleton, with Dr. B. Jeanrenaud. Dr. Prentki subsequently worked on insulin secretion, as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. A.E. Renold in Geneva. In 1984 he joined the laboratory of Dr. F. Matschinsky at the University of Pennsylvania to work as Assistant Professor on calcium and glucose signaling in the pancreatic �-cell. In 1987 he returned to Geneva to work as Assistant Professor at the Institut de Biochimie Clinique. In 1994 he joined the University of Montreal where he was promoted to Associate Professor and subsequently, in 1997, to full Professor of Nutrition and Biochemistry.

The contributions of Dr. Prentki have been acknowledged by many national and international agencies including the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA), the Swiss National Science Foundation, and the Cancer Society of Montreal.

In addition, Dr. Prentki has received many career awards and fellowships, including: the Advanced Swiss National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellowship, the Career Development Award (American Diabetes Association), Career Development Award (Clo�tta Foundation, Switzerland), Young Investigator Award (European Society for Endocrinology), Scientist Award (Canadian Institute of Health Research, CIHR), Priority Program on Nutrition and Cancer Award (the Cancer Society).

Dr Prentki has been an associate editor of Diabetologia and is on the editorial boards of Diabetes and American Journal of Physiology. He also served on the scientific committees of the JDRF, CIHR, NIH, CDA and the Cancer Society. He is the author of 74 scientific publications and has been invited to present his work at many international scientific meetings.

Recently, Dr. Prentki worked with Drs. Lawrence. Rosenberg and Dusica Maysinger (both of McGill University) to create the new JDRF Center for �-cell Replacement at McGill and University of Montreal. Dr. Prenki is the Associate Director of the Center.

� Montreal Diabetes Research Center 2008
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