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 Home / About Us > Dr Alexey Pshezhetsky > Current Grant Support
Research Grants (last 5 years)

2004-07 Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Quantitative analysis of proteomes and post-translational protein modifications using covalent labels containing stable isotopes, $309,120
2004-05 Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales (France), Sialidosis: a new role of lysodomal sialidase in cellular signaling, 20,000 Euro
2004-06 Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Montreal JRDF Diabetes Center, Multicenter grant, $7,250,000 (equipment)
2004-07 Génome Québec/Génome Canada, Genetics of type 2 diabetes mellitus, Multicenter grant, $5,400,000 ( my share is $187,500/year)
2004 Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Proof-of-principle program, Matrix Purifiable Labels (SIMPL), a new technology for the quantitative proteomics, $100,000
2002-07 Valorisation Recherche Québec (VRQ), Intestinal epithelial cells: identification of susceptibility genes and new therapeutic targets, $218,750/year (my share is $43,750)
2002-05 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Montreal JDRF Diabetes Center, Multicenter grant, $500,000/year (my share is $35,000)
2002-04 The Sanfilippo Children’s Research Foundation, Cloning the gene responsible for MPSIIIC syndrome and identification of the molecular defects in Sanfilippo patients, $155,742/year (my share is $77,871)
2002-03 Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales (France), Sialidosis : a new role of lysosomal sialidase in cellular signaling, 20,000 Euro
2001-04 Génome Québec/Génome Canada, Montreal Network for Pharmacoproteomics and structural genomics, Multicenter grant, 12,800,000$ (my share is $437,500)
2001-02 Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales (France), Sialidosis: a new role of lysosomal sialidase in cellular signaling, 110,000 FF
2001-05 Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Lysosomal multienzyme complex: Metabolic role outside the lysosome, $412,912.
2001 Centre de recherche, Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Study of the molecular machinery of
liver bile duct epithelial cells/cultured cholangiocytes. $95,000.
2000-03 Medical Research Council of Canada, Proteomic maps of organelle membranes as a tool to study the molecular basis of inherited childhood disease, 132,673$/year
2000-03 Fondation Canadienne pour l’Innovation (FCI), Montreal Network for Pharmaco-Proteomics and Structural Genomics, Bergeron J, et al., Multicenter grant, $3,200,000 (my share is $500,000)
2000-01 Valorisation Recherche Québec (VRQ), “Analyse protéomique des machines moléculaires, organites et organismes”, Bergeron J, et al., $52,000
2000-01 Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales (France), Molecular pathology of sialidase in sialidosis and galactosialidosis, 120,000 FF
1998-01 Medical Research Council of Canada, Role of multienzyme lysosomal complex in
biogenesis and function of sialidase. $84,693/year.
1998-00 CFI -Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Proteomics in conquest of children�s diseases. $498,120.
1998-00 Vaincre Les Maladies Lysosomales, Pathologie moléculaire de sialidase au sialidose et galactosialidose. 100,000 FF (F-Francais).



� Montreal Diabetes Research Center 2008
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