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 Home / About Us > Dr Lawrence Rosenberg > Reviews
Reviews, Editorials, Book Chapters, Books
1. Bromberg JS, Punch JD, Merion RM, Henry ML, Ferguson RM, Campbell DA Jr, Ham JM, Turcotte JG, Sumway SJ, Bolman RM III, Kaiser LR, Rosenberg L. Transplantation and immunology. In: Essentials of surgery. Scientific principles and practice. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1997. pp 133-143.
2. Vinik AI, Pittenger GL, Rafaeloff R, Rosenberg L, Duguid WP. Determinants of pancreatic islet cell neogenesis- the cellophane wrap model. In: Pancreas Regeneration. Sarvetnick, N (ed). RG Landes Biomedical, Austin, 1997. pp.183-217.
3. Rosenberg L. From concept to clinical reality: Implementing Pancreatic Islet transplantation. In: Surgical research. Basic principles and clinical practice 3rd ed. Troidl H, Spitzer WO, McPeek B, Mulder DS, McNeally M, Weschler A, Balch CM (eds.) Springer, New York, 1998. pp.409-418
4. Rosenberg L. Physiological basis for surgical management of the exocrine pancreas. In: Surgical diseases of the pancreas. Howard JM, Prinz RA, Idezuki Y, Ihse I (eds), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1998. Pp.23-34.
5. Rosenberg L. Perspective on strategies for increasing islet cell mass. Can J Diabetes Care 22(suppl 3):62:1998.
6. Rosenberg L. A review of immunosuppression in pancreas transplantation. Graft 1:88-89:1998.
7. Rosenberg L. Pancreas transplantation. In: Prognosis and outcome expectancy of surgical diseases. Eiseman B, McKellar DP, Reiling RB (eds). Quality Medical Publishing, New York, 1999. pp. 426-429.
8. Surgical Arithmetic. The epidemiologic, statistical and outcome-based approach to surgical practice.. Rosenberg L, Barkun A, Joseph L (eds). R.G. Landes Co., Austin, 2000
9. Rosenberg L, Joseph L, Barkun A. Prologue. In: Surgical Arithmetic. The epidemiologic, statistical and outcome-based approach to surgical practice. Rosenberg L, Barkun A, Joseph L (eds). R.G. Landes Co., Austin, 2000.
10. MacNeil P, Rosenberg L. Pharmacoeconomics. In: Surgical Arithmetic. The epidemiologic, statistical and outcome-based approach to surgical practice. Rosenberg L, Barkun A, Joseph L (eds). R.G. Landes Co., Austin, 2000. Pp.171-185
11. Rosenberg L, Berney T, Hering BJ, Ricordi C. Diabetes goes out with a whimper. Graft 5:123-125, 2000.
12. Rosenberg L. Pancreatic and islet transplantation: An update. Current Gastroenterology Representativeorts 2:165-172.
13. Rosenberg L. Pancreatic cancer: A review of emerging therapies. Drugs 59:1071-1089, 2000.
14. Rosenberg L. EDITORIAL- Clinical islet transplantation: Into the new millenium. Can J Diabetes Care 24:27-28, 2000.
15. 32. Montreuil B, Morrison, L. Rosenberg, Nohr C. Vascular and Peritoneal Access. In: ACS Surgery. Wilmore DW, Cheung LY, Harken AH, Holcroft JW, Meakins JL (eds). WebMD, New York. 2002. Pp. 897-919
16. Rosenberg L. Pancreatic cancer: Does octreotide offer any promise? Chemotherapy S1-544:1-16, 2000.

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