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 Home / About Us > Dr Constantin Polychronakos > Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae (Revised 13 November 2003)

Address Montreal Children’s Hospital, 2300 Tupper St., Rm C-244
Montréal, Québec, H3H 1P3
Telephone +1-514-412-4315
Fax +1-514-412-4264
E-mail [email protected]
Date of Birth 18 April, 1948
Place of Birth Edessa, Greece
Citizenship Canadian

M.D. degree: Aristotelian University,
1972 Thessalonica, Greece

Postgraduate Training
1972-73 Rotating Internship, University of Manitoba
1973-74 Pediatric Residency, University of Manitoba
1974-75 Laboratory Medicine Residency, University of Ottawa
1975-77 Pediatric Residency, Dalhousie University

1977-79 Fellow in Pediatric Endocrinology, University of Montreal
(Hôpital Ste Justine)

1980-83 Research fellow, McGill University
(Polypeptide Hormone Laboratory and Montreal Children's Hospital)


Academic Apointments
1979-80 Research Associate, Research Center for Human Growth, University of Montreal
1983-89 Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, McGill University
1989-2000 Associate Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, McGill
2000- Full Professor, Department of Pediatrics

1991- Associate Member, Experimental Medicine, McGill
1997- Associate Member, Department of Human Genetics, McGill


Hospital Appointments
1983- Physician, Endocrinology & Metabolism, Montreal Children's Hospital
1998- Director, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Montreal Children's Hospital
1997- Director, Endocrine Genetics Laboratory, Montreal Children's Hospital
Research Institute

Specialist Certifications
1977 Fellow of The Royal College of Physicians of Canada (Pediatrics)
1978 Pediatrics (Québec)
1979 Endocrinology (Québec)

1966-1972 IKY scholarship(12,000 drachmas per year
awarded to the 10 top students in each class)

National Scholarships Foundation (Greece)

1981-1983 Research Fellowship Medical Research Council of Canada.
1983-1985 Junior Research Scientist
Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute


DNA Assay for the Prediction of Autoimmune Diabetes, U.S. Patent No. 6,534,272 B2, July 23, 2001; Co-inventors: Dr. Constantin Polychronakos, Dr. Petros Vafiadis, Rosemarie Grabs, and Dr. Houria Ounissi-Benkalha

Direct Determination of DNA Sequence Melting Temperatures by Automated, Temperature Dependent, Electrochemical Impedance Measurements, 2000
Co-Inventors: Drs. M.F. Lawrence, Isabelle Lawrence, C. Marquette

Post-doctoral fellows
Colm Costigan 1983-84 IGF-II receptors in growth hormone deficiency

Now faculty in Ireland

Asterios Kukuvitis 1993-95 Molecular genetics of diabetes and hypoglycemia Now faculty in Greece
Robert Barnes 1996-98 Physical mapping of the IDDM12 locus

Now Faculty at McGill

Suzanne Demczuk 1997-99 Transcript mapping the DiGeorge syndrome critical region. Now with Procrea Inc.
Aziz Alami Chentoufi 1999-2002 Thymic insulin expression in diabetes autoimmunity
Now PDF at McGill
Huiqi Qu MD. PhD 2003- Genomics of type 1 diabetes
Currently PDF

Graduate students

Yongqin Xu (Ph.D. 1998) Parental imprinting of the IGF2R gene
Nick Giannoukakis (Ph.D. 1997) Genetic and epigenetic control of IGF2 transcription
Petros Vafiadis (Ph.D. 1998, Dean’s List, Oelbaum award from JDRF) Functional evaluation of the IDDM2 locus
Jean-Pierre Cloarec (Ph.D. 1997, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, co-suparvision in my lab for 2 years)
Mesures d’impédance électrique pour la détection des séquences spécifiques d’ADN
Jennifer McCann (Ph.D. thesis deposited 2003) Genetic control of transcription of the human IGF2R gene
Suzana Anjos (Ph.D., 1998-). The human cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4: polymorphisms associated with autoimmune endocrinopathies
Michael Palumbo (Ph.D. 2000-) Insulin expressing cells in the thymus
Mary Demian (M.Sc., 200-) Parent-of-Origin bias in IGF2R-LOH in breast cancer
Xiaoyu Du (Ph.D. 2002-) The role of the Plagl1 gene in �-cell development and function


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