Siegfried Hekimi, PhD
Professor of Biology
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Biographical Sketch
After a successful career as a professional cyclist, Siegfried
Hekimi took his PhD in Biology at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. He then
stayed as a fellow at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Medical Research
Council in Cambridge, England, where he started his studies with the nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans. In 1992 he joined the department of Biology at McGill
University in Montreal where he holds the Strathcona Chair of Zoology and the Campbell
Chair of Developmental Biology. Since 2010 he is a Fellow of the Royal Society of
Canada. His research is focused on the biology of genes that affect mitochondrial
function, and on the impact altered mitochondrial function has on cell function and
on whole-organism physiology, including on the rate of aging. Professor Hekimi now
also extensively uses mice to investigate these questions, and combines findings in
both C. elegans and mice to test hypotheses regarding the molecular
mechanisms that are responsible for the aging process and for the development of
age-dependent diseases
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Research Interests
Mechanisms of longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
We are studying long-lived mutants in genes that code for mitochondrial proteins. We
are particularly interested in genes that alter the function of the mitochondrial
electron transport chain and that alter reactive oxygen species generation. The genes
we are studying are clk-1, which codes for an enzyme necessary for ubiquinone
biosynthesis; isp-1, which codes for the "Rieske" iron-sulfur
protein, a catalytic subunit of mitochondrial complex III; nuo-6, which codes
for a subunit of mitochondrial complex I; and sod-2, which codes for the main
mitochondrial superoxide dismutase. Using mutations in these genes, we have found that
increased generation of superoxide acts as an intracellular second messenger to trigger
longevity of these mutants. Currently, we are studying the pathway of signal
transduction that leads from mitochondrial superoxide to changes in gene expression
that are necessary for longevity.
Mechanisms of longevity in Mclk1+/-
and Risp+/- mutant mice. We are studying in mice the
aging genes that we have discovered in C. elegans: in particular Mclk1
(the orthologue of C. elegans clk-1) and Risp (the
orthologue of C. elegans isp-1). Mouse strains carrying a single
intact copy of either of these genes are long-lived. In addition to studying the basic
biochemical and physiological phenotypes of these mice we are determining how the
mutations alter the sensitivity to age-dependent diseases, including diabetes,
neuro-vascular disease, sarcopenia and cancer. For this we also use conditional
alleles (cre-lox) of the genes.
Regulation of lipoprotein synthesis and secretion in
Caenorhabditis elegans. We have discovered that some mutant strains
of C. elegans have altered synthesis and secretion of LDL-like lipoproteins.
Furthermore, we have found that these strains are also sensitive to drugs that stimulate
reverse cholesterol transport or HDL levels. Using this system we seek to discover new
drugs and new targets for intervention on lipoprotein levels.

The dense network of worm mitochondria