Non-Profit & Industrial Partners
MDRC is indebted to Merck, Eli Lilly
Canada and AstraZeneca for their support of the MDRC
seminar series and annual scientific retreat. The Center also acknowledges the contribution
of Janssen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novo Nordisk,
Sanofi, Canada Foundation
for Innovation, Diab�te Qu�bec, Canadian Institutes of Health
Research, Centre de Recherche du CHUM, R�seau de Recherche en
Sant� Cardiom�tabolique Diab�te et Ob�sit� (CMDO), McGill University, Faculty of
Medicine and the Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montr�al in supporting
the MDRC's annual scientific retreat.
Finally, the MDRC is grateful to Diab�te Qu�bec for Travel
Awards and Best Poster Awards at the retreat as well as for studentships, pilot grants and
extended training awards for technicians.


The MDRC is grateful to all non-profit organizations that
contribute to the research projects through operating and equipment grants as well
as studentships, fellowship and salary funds. These are:
- CFI MDRC Grant
- Genome Quebec/Canada Projects (T1D & T2D)
- FRQS Project (Pediatric Insulin Resistance)
- CIHR NET Projects (Anti-Diabetic Plants, Obesity, Stem Cells,
Organ Transplantation)
- NIH Projects (Fatty Acids & Insulin Secretion &
- CDA & CIHR Projects (Many, on all aspects
of Diabetes)
- Facult� de M�decine de l'Universit� de Montr�al
- Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
- Diab�te Qu�bec