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Curriculum Vitae

Address Department of Anatomy-Physiology
CRML, office RC 9502,
Laval University Medical Research Center
Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada G1V 4G2
Telephone +1-418-656-4141 Ext. 47549
Fax +1-418-654-2176
E-mail [email protected]

1985 B. Sc. in Biochemistry Université du Québec à Montréal
1987 M. Sc. in Nutrition Université de Montréal
1990 Ph. D. in Physiology & Endocrinology Université Laval (Québec City)

Postgraduate Experience
1990-1993 Post-doctoral fellow, Division of
Cell Biology, The Hospital for Sick Children
555, University Ave, Toronto
Ontario, Canada, M5G 1X8
Supervisors : Dr. A Klip, Dr. M. Vranic

Work Experience
07/1993 - 06/1999 Assistant Professor Laval University
06/1999 - 05/2002 Associate Professor Laval University
06/2002 - present Full Professor Laval University

Other Functions
2001-2004 Director of Research Medictus Research inc
2003-2005 President and Director of Research Medictus Research inc
2005-present Scientific Director, Nutrition and Health Branch of the Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Laval University

Administration and Internal Committees
2002 - 2005 Committee member Faculty of Medicine Council,
Laval University
1998 - 2001 Member of supervision committee Physiology-Endocrinology program,
Laval University
1996 - 2000 Committee member Laboratory Animal Care Committee,
Laval University

Consulting Activities
2005 - Consultant Merck Frosst
2005 - Consultant and Scientific advisor Bexel Pharmaceuticals
2004 - Consultant and Scientific advisor Innodia inc.
2000 - 2003 Consultant Endorecherche inc.
1997 - 1998 Consultant Dupont inc.

Honors and Awards
May 1988-1990 Doctoral Studentship from the "Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec".
September 1989 Finalist for the "Young Investigator Award" of the "North American Association for the Study of Obesity". Washington D.C.
October 1990 Finalist for the "Young Investigator Award" of the "North American Association for the Study of Obesity", Kobe, Japan
September 1990-1992 Post-Doctorat fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada.
May 1992 "Banting and Best Diabetes Centre Award" for the best scientific communication Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto.
November 1996 Research Award of the the Association Diabète Québec
June 1993-1998 Scholarship award of the Medical Research Council of Canada.
July 1998-2001 Scholarship award of the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec.
July 2001-2006 CIHR Investigator Award (Scholarship)
November 2001 Research Award of the Association Diabète Québec
April 2001 Davignon & Lupien Founders Award of the Quebec Society of Lipidology, Nutrition and Metabolism
October 2005 Young Scientist Award of the Canadian Diabetes Association

Scientific Societies
2003- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2001- The Endocrine Society
1998- American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
1995- American Diabetes Association (ADA)
1991- European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).
1990- Association de Langue Française pour l'Etude du Diabète et des Maladies Métaboliques (ALFEDIAM)
Membership on Major Scientific Committees
1999-2002 CIHR - Internal member, Nutrition & Metabolism Grant Committee
2003-present CIHR - Scientific Officer , Metabolism Grant Committee
1996-1998 Can. Diabetes Assoc - Internal member, Grants Committee
1998-2000 Can. Diabetes Assoc, co--Chair, Grants Committee
2001-present Can. Diabetes Assoc, Chair- Grants Committee
Editorial Boards
1998-2001 Editorial membership for Am J Physiol (Endocrinology and Metabolism section)
2004-pres. Editorial membership for Endocrinology
External Referee for Granting Agencies

• Canadian Diabetes Association
• Addiction Research Foundation
• Association Pulmonaire du Canada
• Israelian Research Foundation
• Banting and Best Diabetes Foundation
• Hugh Sellers fellowships (Univ. of Toronto et HSC)
• CUHK fondation (Hong-Kong)
• Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research

External Referee for Granting Agencies Nature Medicine, Journal of Biological Chemistry, • Journal of Clinical Investigation, EMBO Journal, Mol Cell Biol, PNAS, American Journal of Physiology, Diabetes, Journal of Applied Physiology, Diabetologia, Journal of Cellular Physiology, Biochemical Pharmacology, Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, Hormone and Metabolic Research, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Res.

Scientific Collaborations

Dr. Gerry Shulman, Yale University
Dr. Jason Kim, Yale University
Dr. Michael Roden, University of Vienna
Dr. C. Ronald Kahn, Chief, Joslin Diabetes Center
Dr. George Thomas, Genome Institute of Cincinnati
Dr. Philipp Scherer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY
Dr. Morrie Birnbaum, University of Pennsylvany
Dr. Harinder Hundal, Dundee, Scotland
Dr. Raymond Christon, Université Paris, France
Dr. Bruce Kemps, Victoria, Australia

Dr. Michel Tremblay, McGill Cancer Center
Dr. Nicole Beauchemin, McGill Cancer Center
Dr. Nahum Sonenberg, McGill Cancer Center
Dr. Imed Gallouzi, McGill Cancer Center
Dr. Martin Olivier, Departments of Medicine, Microbiology, and Immunology, McGill
Dr. Katherine Siminovitch, University of Toronto
Dr. Alexander Sorisky, University of Ottawa
Dr. Mladen Vranic, University of Toronto
Dr. Amira Klip, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Dr. Arend Bonen, University of Guelph
Dr. Vickie Baracos, University of Alberta
Dr. Pierre Maheux, University of Sherbrooke
Dr. Pierre Haddad, University of Montreal
Dr. Emile Levy, University of Montreal

Dr. Claude H. Côté
Dr. Jean-Pierre Després
Dr. Pascale Mauriège
Dr. Denis Joanisse
Dr. Yves Deshaies
Dr. Denis Richard
Dr. Hélène Jacques
Dr. Hélène Bachelard
Dr. Robert Faure
Dr. Fernand Labrie
Dr. John Weisnagel


� Montreal Diabetes Research Center 2016
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