Dr. Remi Rabasa-Lhoret
Dr Rabasa-Lhoret completed his medical training
in Paris from 1983 to 1990 and his certification in Endocrinology
in Montpellier from 1990 to 1995. Between 1995 and 2000 he conducted
a PH.D in food science (Montpellier France and Montreal Canada)
a certification in medical nutrition (Paris France) as well as a
clinical over-specialization in Diabetes (Montpellier France, Clinical
assistant) under the supervision of both Dr J-L Chiasson (Montreal)
and Louis Monnier (Montpellier). From January 2001 to June 2002
he made a post-doctoral fellowship in Lyon (INSERM 449 and Lyon
research center in nutrition France) under the supervision of Martine
Laville and Hubert Vidal. He was also webmaster of the French diabetes
language association website form 2001 to 2005. Member of editorial
board of Diabetes and Metabolism since 2004

In July 2002 Dr Rabasa-Lhoret was recruited as
an MD in the endocrine service of Montreal University Hospital (CHUM-
Hotel-Dieu) as well as assistant professor in Nutrition department.
Since April 2004 He is the director of the metabolic unit in Nutrition
department. Metabolic unit is a fully equipped lab for precise human
phenotyping, physiologic and intervention studies in the field of
nutrition and physical exercise.